Indonesia memang dikenal sebagai salah satu negara yang kaya akan keindahan alamnya. Ada begitu banyak daerah yang menjadi pusat pariwisata, salah satunya adalah kota Malang. Malang menjadi salah satu kota yang berada di Provinsi Jawa Timur. Banyak wisatawan yang tertarik untuk datang ke kawasan yang satu ini. Malang dikenal dengan kota yang memiliki banyak lokasi wisata. Selain dikenal dengan apel dan bunganya, kota yang satu ini juga dikenal dengan city tour Malang. We havent had any reports of disorders with any of University equipment, said JAXA spokesman Seiji Toyama who also added that University probe is ready exam finish its first of two orbits around Earth. SELENE will be placed in orbit 60 miles 100 kilometers above University Moons surface where two smaller probes should be released after which begin examination orbit University Moon at both poles. Scientists are hoping that University data will shed more light on how University Moon was formed, and how it has evolved via time. They also hope examination study University composition of dust samples from University surface and are making plans on taking 3 D images of University Moons surface. JAXA was forced examination delay University launch by someday, with University launch originally scheduled examination occur on September 13. Retrieved from apan%27s lunar probe acting %27smoothly%27 after a success launchandoldid=4230765 An H IIA rocket, carrying University SELENE lunar orbiter and a couple of smaller satellites, was introduced on Friday, September 14 from University Tanegashima Space Center in Japan.